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History of Science and Explorations

The Antikythera Mechanism
The ancient Greeks developed some very sophisticated analog computers. This geared bronze device from 1st century BC was discovered in wreck of ship.

Scientific Instruments in Medieval and Renaissance Europe

Discoverers Web
Collection of links on explorers and discoverers and their voyages of all times and nations ( Marco Polo, Columbus, Roald Amundsen, and many-many others).

BBC Evolution Web Site
Dedicated to Charles Darwin & Evolution.

Hypatia of Alexandria
Books, articles, links, and a huge bibliography about Hypatia of Alexandria, the most famous female mathematician and scientist of antiquity.

Isaac Newton
The virtual museum of Sir Isaac Newton and the history of science.

An educational resource includes primary texts of Gregor Mendel's famous paper of 1865, essays, comments, and related links.

History of Science - Internet Resources
A selection of Web sources for the history and philosophy of science, technology and medicine.

Albert Einstein
Index of Einstein-related links.

Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler - His Life, His Laws and Times.

Charles Darwin
Explore the theory of evolution, learn about history of evolutionary thought.

The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
University of St.Andrew presents searchable collection of biographies of mathematicians as well as a comprehensive history of mathematics.

Alfred Russel Wallace
Welcome to the Web site dedicated to celebrating the life and work of the English naturalist, evolutionist, and social critic Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913)!

Roald Amundsen
An article about the famous Norwegian explorer who lived to experience adventures, including flying over the North Pole in a dirigible in 1926.

Stephen Hawking's Web Site
About the author of the all-time best seller 'A Brief History of Time' and his work.

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